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Hand-Tied Garden Bouquet

Hand-Tied Garden Bouquet


Theres not much that can compare to a beautiful bunch of fresh flowers and lush foliage, wrapped in delicate tissue and crisp paper tied with twine! 

When we say garden bouquet we really mean it. We pick the flowers that are at their peak beauty, meaning they have the absolute longest vase-life possible. 

Garden bouquets are hand tied and wrapped to perfection with a card for your message and flower care instructions. Please let us know your message when ordering.  We dont use any plastic in this bouquet.

Its the special attention to detail that we love adding to our work, and we think that your recipient will love it too.


Our delivery zone is from Raumati South through to Waikanae Beach and is $10 
Delivery is free within Paraparaumu Beach / Free Pick up

If there is no answer on delivery we will leave in as safe and sheltered place as possible, please let us know if there is a dog at the property or if access is limited.


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